The best and worst of being a writer

Posted April 30, 2017 by Elise in Writing / 7 Comments

The best things about being a writer


I’ll start with the obvious – I write because I love it. I love bringing my characters to life on paper and creating worlds for them to live in. Those first meetings, plot twists, dramatic climaxes, and happily ever afters. I still laugh and cry when I read my own stories, even though I wrote the freaking things.


Oh, the things I’ve been able to justify as “research.” A trip to Jordan because I wanted to see what the desert looked like (Into the Black). Windsurfing lessons (Back to Paradise). Scuba diving (Trouble in Paradise). Visit to the 24h du Mans motor race in France (24 Hours of Trouble). Eating waffles (Lithium). Staring at endless pictures of naked men (Life). Buying an Aston Martin (Pitch Black). 

Now, I’m thinking I should set a novel in the Maldives where the main character gets waited on by a topless cabana boy who serves up cocktails on the hour, every hour.

Who wouldn’t want to be a writer?

Yoga pants

It’s practically mandatory to write in yoga pants. After all, we want to be comfortable, don’t we?

The office

I write all my first drafts on an iPad mini, which means my office is anywhere I want it to be. Okay, so it’s mostly in bed, but over the past couple of years, I’ve also been able to work on the beach, a boat, planes, trains, parks, restaurants, and a few co-working spaces where I’ve met a bunch of interesting people.

The community

I’ve met so many amazing people, both online and in person. Other writers, readers, bloggers, artists, entrepreneurs. There’s a real spirit of camaraderie in the indie world, and I love being a part of that.

The worst things about being a writer


Douglas Adams said “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” I only wish I could be that relaxed about them! Once I have a project plan in mind, I like to stick to it, and if I’ve told my readers that a book is coming at a certain time, I hate to let them down. But having to constantly write and edit around my day job sometimes leaves me exhausted.


What would happen if everybody stopped buying my books tomorrow? I still have my day job, so I wouldn’t starve, but this question is also the reason why I still have my day job. 


I’m a chartered accountant. I spend all day looking at other people’s accounts, and the last thing I want to do when I get home is my own.

Organising things

I love being an indie author. I get to pick my own editors, and my own cover artists, and my own titles, and my own release schedule. But all that means I have to be organised, and I hate being organised. Calendar apps and to-do lists and little coloured folders for my emails. It doesn’t mesh well with my naturally scattered mind.

Not writing

Writing is the easy part, but that’s only a small fraction of actually publishing a book. Editing, making graphics, formatting, networking, answering emails, booking promo, the aforementioned organising… None of it is writing, and that’s the part I love most.

7 responses to “The best and worst of being a writer

  1. Vicki Hancock

    When I was younger I always wanted to be a writer(and an attorney) but I realized you had to actually have an imagination. Well me, not so much! I’m jealous but I know it’s hard work. Still, I can daydream!

  2. Mary Preston

    The research, especially any travel, would be fun. Not sure about the actual writing part for me though.

  3. Ria Adelaide

    Your research experience is amazing! And you’ve got quite the creative mind.
    I absolutely love your writing!.

  4. I’ve always wanted to travel to exotic places. That’s part of the reason I hated being tied to a desk job. I was a legal secretary for 20 years but always dreamed of being able to work from home. Now, I’m an editor so I can set my own hours and do want I want.

    I absolutely love editing fiction books! I’ve always been a voracious reader. I now have the perfect excuse to read books all day long AND get paid for it. I’m in hog heaven. LOL!

    So, if your editor is ever unavailable or just overwhelmed, I’d love to help out. I’ll post my website below so you can have it on file.

    Good luck with your next “research” project!

    • Thanks – I actually have two editors as one couldn’t keep up with me! But I’ll keep your details just in case 🙂

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