Book Review: The Ghostwriter by Alessandra Torre

Posted January 17, 2019 by Elise in Reviews / 0 Comments

The blurb:

Four years ago, I lied. I stood in front of the police, my friends and family, and made up a story, my best one yet. And all of them believed me. 

I wasn't surprised. Telling stories is what made me famous. Fifteen bestsellers. Millions of fans. Fame and fortune.

Now, I have one last story to write. It'll be my best one yet, with a jaw-dropping twist that will leave them stunned and gasping for breath.

They say that sticks and stones will break your bones, but this story? It will be the one that kills me.

My thoughts:

I’ll be honest, this isn’t the type of book I usually read, because I’m all about the happily-ever-after and this isn’t that. But I’ve enjoyed Alessandra Torre’s other books, and I was in the mood for something a bit different, so I picked it up. Well, plugged myself in, because I bought the audio version.

The Ghostwriter is a funny story (funny strange, not funny haha) because at the beginning, it pretty much tells you what happens at the end, but the way it’s written, the way the tale unfolds through the eyes of an utterly heartbroken, dying woman, is compelling. And when I found out how Helena Ross’s life fell apart, I went back over the story in my head and put together all the little clues sprinkled throughout that lead to the outcome. Really clever. The main character is a bestselling writer, and the book is told from her point of view and two others—her agent’s and a rival’s.

If you’re looking for a break from romance, this is a great suspense story. The narrator was excellent too.


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