Hope, Hearts, and Happily Ever Afters

Posted July 3, 2023 by Elise in Publishing / 2 Comments

I had an interesting discussion earlier about what constitutes a romance story. Does it have to have a happy ending? And for me, the answer is unequivocally yes. Whether it’s a happily-ever-after or a happy-for-now, the couple needs to be together and enjoying life. Can they have ups and downs and tragedy along the way? Absolutely. The more stomach-churning the roller coaster ride*, the better when it comes to fiction. But they’d better be loved up by the final paragraph.**

If they’re not, then call it a love story, call it women’s fiction, call it whatever you want, but it’s not a romance.

It’s all about genre expectations. Promises. What am I going to get when I pick up this book? Would you pick up a mystery where the case never got solved? Would you want to read a thriller where the bad guy destroyed the world? Some might, but I wouldn’t.

And because I’m an indie author and marketing is a necessary evil, I have to think about the whole package. Does the cover tell the story too? Does the blurb convey the genre? I don’t want to leave a reader with a nasty surprise at the end of a book. I’m selling an escape, not disappointment.

I’m a reader too, and there’s only one book I haven’t enjoyed this year. The cover said dark romance, the blurb said dark romance, and the couple freaking died. Died! I’d just had a bereavement in the family, and no kidding, I wanted to throw myself off a bridge at the end, but I had to settle for tossing the book instead. So to me, these things matter. No bait-and-switches (unless it's Emmy and her love interest, lol).

So, here’s my promise to you: If I write a romance, the couple will get their happy ending. If I write a mystery or thriller, the bad guy’s gonna get what he deserves. And I won’t leave you crying at the end.***

* Please no puking.

** Unless it’s the first book in a series and their story continues *braces for negative reviews about cliffhangers*

*** Happy tears are okay. Message me and I’ll send tissues.

2 responses to “Hope, Hearts, and Happily Ever Afters

  1. Joel Malcolm Morris

    Totally agree. I’m a 007 fan and I’d be somewhat pissed if the baddie got away with his bad stuff and even managed to kill off Bond ! James likes his ladies also and does get romantically involved but won’t give a shit if he needs to hit one for being a baddie herself and needs information, (Queen & Country and all that). There’s always plenty of humour in the films as in your books, that’s a definite requisite for an enjoyable ride. Without Emmy and her humour and Bradley throwing one of his tantrums, well, may as well put book down and go to sleep….Joel x

  2. Deborah K Tissot

    I totally agree with you and thoroughly enjoy each and every book of yours I have. I do not think there is a one that has not been read several times. I just read a series by an author that is ending the book with about half of the good guys in the series ending up dead and the main male character getting killed in front of a police station. This is NOT going to talk me into purchasing any further books by this author. Give me Emmy and crew any day! Please keep writing as your books NEVER disappoint! They are well written and thoroughly enjoyable!

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