Newsletter survey – What would you like to see?

Posted January 9, 2017 by Elise in Survey / 11 Comments

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11 responses to “Newsletter survey – What would you like to see?

  1. Suella

    I mostly read mysteries, but branch out now and then. I do leave reviews for every book I read. I live on social security, so tend to lean in free book direction. I’m grateful to authors offering freebies, as it is saving me trips to the local library and not exposing myself to a fall. I live in central Illinois and it can be treacherous here in winter. Also, it is letting me read genres I wouldn’t normally seek at the library. I hope this helps. Also, I don’t do social media. Thanks!

    • Aw, thanks so much for taking the time to send such a detailed response! It’s so kind of you to leave reviews – they really do help authors.
      Feeding a reading habit can be expensive, can’t it? I often try free books myself, especially when they’re out of my usual genres, but I also get hooked on series and then end up buying all of them, especially if there aren’t big gaps between book releases.
      I’m in the UK, where we have more rain than snow and ice, but everything ends up muddy!

  2. Pam

    I love freebies too, I’ve “met” some great authors that way. But I also enjoy contests and updates from authors about new books or events. Like Suella, I don’t do social media, so I really appreciate being able to connect with an author or participate in a contest without having to Facebook, tweet, etc.

  3. Michi H

    Like Suella I’m disabled as well. I will read anything if it’s written properly like your books, I’m hooked!!! I’m waiting for Oxygen to be completed because I tend to read your books within a few days. Thanks for making them available on Wattpad. I also read books on Radish and I don’t do social media.

  4. Audra Draper

    I ran across pitch black as a free book and fell in love the the author. It takes a lot to capture my attention and that book did. I ended up purchasing most of the books. I loved the mystery and romance. I asked myself who is this great author and why am I just discovering her. I’m a romantic junkie but I fell in love with the twist that she adds to keep is exciting. Thank you Blackwood was awesome 😎 the characters were real. I’d love to see more books like that no matter what age it captures your attention. By the way I’m pushing sixty.

  5. Lesley musson

    I came across one and I’ve now downloaded the lot…..I’m a fast reader so I get through a heck of a lot of books. Print and kindle. I especially love the Blackwood ones. Kick ass have to love them. I’ve reread the lot over Xmas ,great way to relax.

  6. Hawk

    I’m new to the party, having just finished Pitch Black, and now waiting on my wife to do the same. If she likes it as much as I did, we’ll buy the rest of the over the next few weeks. Like most folks, I’m a fan of free stuff, and certainly won’t turn it down, but this is about what I want for the newsletter. I want more Vee. I’m about half way through Club Dead, and I find myself hoping there’s more of this world, and of her. I know it’s a long shot, but you did ask.

    • Glad you enjoyed Pitch Black, and I hope your wife turns into an Emmy fan too! There’s more Vee to come (I try to send out a new part of the story every two weeks), and if people like her story, then for sure I can write more books set in her world 🙂

  7. Corrina Hayter

    Hello Elise!
    I subscribe to BookBub and received Pitch Black free a few years ago. I LOVED IT. I became hooked. I have purchased many books in all your series and a couple stand-alones. Offering a free book of the first in a series is a great way to get a fan for life. Plus I also recommend you to my friends who are also book lovers. I’m sure others do the same. So a freebie can pay back in spades.
    I would love to see more books based in different countries. For some of us, that is the only way we can afford to travel. I particularly like your UK series because I really want to visit someday. I drink in all the “English” details – descriptions and phrases are like candy.
    I live in Canada, so a story based here would be amazing. But not in the populated or cool areas. Maybe in an overlooked area, like the prairies where there are a bunch of farmers or ranchers and the closest town has a population of 500. Trying to make a romantic suspense in that setting would be a heck of a challenge, lol! I wonder if Emmy could blend in?
    Anyway, I find the cost of your books very reasonable, especially when I know I’m getting good entertainment and won’t be disappointed.
    I really like your website too. I appreciate being able to communicate in other ways besides social media. Like some of the other people who commented, I don’t participate in social media.
    Thank you for all the wonderful entertainment!
    Keep Calm and Emmy On!

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