Review: Twist of Fate by Ellie Masters

Posted February 11, 2017 by Elise in Reviews / 0 Comments

The blurb:

Melissa is a victim, capable of attracting only the worst kind of man. She seeks redemption for crimes she did not commit.

CJ struggles to absolve himself of an unforgivable act. He seeks salvation through heroism, but fails every day.

Our prince, a man with the blackest of hearts and an endless capacity to inflict pain, seeks validation for his work. His corruption is absolute, but even he will sacrifice for love.

Meanwhile, a man of pure evil invades their lives, weaving his sinister threads and binding their futures.

But Fate has different plans for them all. As tornados tear through the town, their lives will be uprooted, twisted, and tangled beyond what any of them could foresee.

My thoughts:

Wow… Where do I start? I loved this book! 

I wasn't sure what to expect from the blurb, but Twist of Fate turned out to be well-balanced mix of love story mixed up with a fantastic kidnapping plot starring not one but two whacked out freaks. Seriously, the bad guys made this book – one serial killer, one kidnapper, each with their own warped fantasies that twist together in the sickest of ways. The Prince was written in first person (the rest of the book is in third) which lets readers get right into his head.

CJ, the male lead, is a hot mix of sweet and tough who meets Melissa when she falls in front of his truck in a hurricane. With Melissa being the ex-wife of the aforementioned serial killer who murdered CJ's sister, it makes for an interesting dynamic that develops throughout the books. 

The book also includes a strong supporting cast – CJ's gun-toting colleagues, Charles the nurse, two adorable kids, and the harem of princesses the Prince keeps in his dungeon. The characters' personalities were revealed slowly throughout the book and some of them kept me guessing to the end. I hope to see more from these characters, especially CJ's buddies who I imagine have some interesting tales to tell.

The writing style was very descriptive, possibly a little too much so at times, but it allowed me to build up a good picture of the small American town as the story unfolded, from the hospital, to the fancy hotel, to the Prince's lair. 

Twist of Fate is an intriguing mix of love story, action heroes, and whacked out freaks high on Girl Scout cookies – exactly my kind of book and highly recommended!

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